A Guide to Clean Water in New Mexico
What is “Sackett"? Sacket is a 2023 U.S. Supreme Court decision, Sackett v. EPA, which severely limited federal protections under the Clean Water Act for streams, rivers and wetlands. The court limited safeguards that had been in place for 50 years, narrowing protections only to rivers and streams that are “relatively permanent” and connected to traditional “navigable waters” and to wetlands that have a “continuous surface connection” to such waters.
Why does it matter to New Mexico? In arid New Mexico, most of our streams and wetlands do not meet these new definitions because most of our waters don’t flow year-round and most of our wetlands don’t have a continuous surface connection to such a stream. As a result, an estimated 95% of New Mexico’s rivers and streams and 88% of the state’s wetlands are at risk of losing federal protection from pollution. These water bodies serve critical functions like maintaining a clean water supply for communities and healthy habitat for wildlife. Click graphic to learn more.
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Acre foot of water: the amount of water needed to cover a football field.
Aquifer: a layer of rock or earth that holds groundwater.
Brackish water: water that has a high salt content and cannot be used for drinking or household use without treatment.
Desalination: the process the removes salt from brackish water or seawater.
Effluent: liquid waste or sewage discharged into water.
Ephemeral waters: water the flows temporarily in response to rain and snow melt.
Floodplain: a flat area of land next to a river or stream that is prone to flooding when the river overflows.
Intermittent waters: water the flows seasonally when they receive water from groundwater, snow melt, or rain.
Perennial waters: water that flows year-round
Potable: water that can be used for bathing, cleaning, or drinking.
Produced "water": waste containing water, fluids, and chemicals that is created during oil and gas production.
Water infrastructure: a system that cleans, gather, or moves water, including features found in nature like forests, rivers, wetlands and people-made systems like treatment plants, pipes and faucets in homes, reservoirs and more.
Water quality: measures if our water is clean and healthy.
Water quantity: the amount of water in our rivers, lakes, and streams
Watershed: the area of land that drains water through creeks, streams, and rivers to a common outlet such as lake reservoir, or bay.
Wetlands: areas of land that are either covered with water or saturated with water, such as a marsh, swamp, or both.
Below are various water reports available to view/download.